Beating both temptations of perfectionism - the replay
This kickoff replay is available to watch for free through the month of October. It's not too late to join us in building these routines together!
Slowly build a plan for your minimum viable home routine.
Ideally, you'll have 3 15 chunks - morning, afternoon, and evening - that form the core routines which will stave off chaos. As we go along, we will also figure out - each for our own situation - what else ought to be done and how often, not so that our home stays clean but so that we stay faithful in our responsibilities.
Join hundreds of other homemakers
You're not alone.

I wish I'd learned this earlier!
by April B

It made a huge difference in my home.
by Amberley A

Keeping our eyes on Jesus!
by Nina C.

Baby steps really work
by Sarah R.
Course curriculum
Getting Started
- Overview
- Beating Perfectionism - Kickoff Session 2019
- The Housework Treadmill - Kickoff Session - 2017
- Sweep & Smile Kickoff Session - Spring 2018
Week 1: Morning & Evening Routine
- Week 1 Checklist
- Week 1 Lesson: Morning & Evening Routine
- Keeping Routines Realistic - Troubleshooting Session - Summer 2017
- Build Faithfulness with Routines - Troubleshooting Session - Spring 2018 with Abby Wahl
- Choosing the Right Routines - Troubleshooting Session - Summer 2018
- Morning & Evening Routine Basics Checklist (Bonus) FREE PREVIEW
Week 2: Laundry & Bathrooms
- Week 2 Checklist
- Week 2 Lesson: Laundry & Bathrooms
- Troubleshooting Session - Spring 2018
- Troubleshooting Session - Summer 2018
- Troubleshooting Session - Fall 2017
Week 3: Living Room & EHAP
- Week 3 Checklist
- Week 3 Lesson: Living Room & EHAP
- Troubleshooting Session - Summer 2017
- Troubleshooting Session - Spring 2018
- Troubleshooting Session - Summer 2018
Week 4: Kitchen
- Week 4 Checklist
- Week 4: Kitchen
- Troubleshooting Session - Summer 2017
- Troubleshooting Session - Spring 2018
- Troubleshooting Session - Summer 2018
Week 5: Bedrooms
- Week 5 Checklist
- Week 5 Lesson: Bedrooms
- Troubleshooting Session - Summer 2017
- Sweep & Smile Summer 2018 - Week 5 Troubleshooting Chat
- Sweep & Smile 2018 Troubleshooting Chat, week 5
Week 6: Extra Jobs
- Week 6 Checklist
- Week 6 Lesson: Extra Jobs
- Troubleshooting Session - Summer 2017
- Troubleshooting Session - Spring 2018
- Troubleshooting Session - Summer 2018
- Bonus: Perpetual Checklist