We can find satisfaction & joy in our home management.
Even if organization attempts you’ve tried haven’t stuck,
even when your daily work is daily undone,
even when normal life feels like a dreaded slog –
We can climb out of our home chaos, out of our inner desperation, and out of our past failures.
I know because I’ve done it – again and again. And so have many others, following my simple step-by-step, story-focused process.
Plus, I offer mentorship and camaraderie every step of the way.
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Honest but helpful
Stefani Mons, TX

Growing in faithfulness
Lindsay Wallick
Too often, when we try to get organized, we get bad advice.
We do it wrong:
We go whole-hog and burn out trying to be a new person.
We focus on surface problems instead of our root issues.
We spend more time fiddling with our planners than solving our problems.
We freak out when our kids undo our work and mess up our plans.
Get biblical advice and true help.
Find more than answers.
Find accountability. Find friends.

Camaraderie in the journey
by Sarah Rooney

Grounded Perspective
Catie Newby